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Certion B.V.

8211 AX Lelystad, Países Baixos


Certion B.V.

We have been providing a complete service for wind turbines all over the world since 2005. It is our mission to ensure that our customers obtain optimum efficiency from their wind turbines. We specialise in service & maintenance, assembly & disassembly, inspection & optimisation as well as parts & tools.

Expertise, tools and spare parts

We make a difference thanks to the combination of available expertise, tools and spare parts. The specific construction of most wind turbines calls for a custom approach, and that is precisely what we provide. We operate in conformity with all the checklists, safety regulations, training and quality standards effective within our industry.

Specialists at the highest level

Our staff are the most essential link in the chain of our organization. We offer our employees individual training, including coaching from expert instructors. That is how we have raised the quality of the service we provide to an even higher level.

Collaboration with business associates

We feel that the optimum efficiency of wind turbines can only result from close cooperation, both with our customers and other business associates, so we collaborate closely with both wind turbine manufacturers and international service providers.


Contacte-nos via wind-turbine.com


Como nos encontrar
Titaanstraat 7 | 8211 AX Lelystad | Países Baixos